May 8, 2013

stirling engine on barbecue for breakfast

Testing the worlds biggest beer can stirling engine on a barbecue.MINDLESS BORING:Today I decided it was time to test my stirling engine on the barbecue burner, which, on the max setting would be a 35000 btu flame,here i am one low, about 17000 btu, I already new this would work, but the test is to lower the heat. My wood stove temp test showed the engine was being "heat soak" by the surrounding hot air on top of the wood stove as the stirling engine was not in direct contact with the heat source. In the bottom of this engine i have placed a 5lb barbel weight to "supposedly" create a larger mass inside the engine to absorb heat, this it did, at the expense of a longer preheating time, although the engine continues to run after the heat has been removed for several minutes. This test confirms "sort of" that that the direct contact to the heat source is very important as the temperature differentials are not all that dissimilar from source to source. A thin walled "hot side" seems to provide the stirling cycle with a faster reaction to the provided heat, meaning,,, with a hot side temperature of nearing 500f and a cold side of 50f the engine runs slower on the wood stove as compared to a gas burner. as the coolant temp comes up nearing the 125f point this engine speeds up, contrary to the gs burner test