The stove baffle however intrudes into this cavity by about an inch. This top opening allowed the tender to put long pieces of wood into the stove from the top, and was likely the cause of the cracked baffle. At some point in its life, a welded repair was done on the baffle of the stove, however welding cast iron is not easy and the repair did not last. Here i show you how to restore a baffle to an antique pot belly stove with cheap and available cast iron with out moulding and foundry cost. diy insulated chimney flue
The smoke chamber baffle of a potbelly stove is essential to keep the fire from directly exiting the stove and the resultant lose of heat, or starting a chimney fire. This coal Stove restore video is not intended to define a decorative antique, but to bring and other wise low value antique stove back into a safe and usable state of condition. A cast iron cook pot was procured, cut and ground into a usable baffle plate for this excellent old coal stove there by restoring it to service for another 100 years. = SHARE ROCKNTV1